Chef RFC

About me

Gender Male
Introduction I am 27 years old and have been taking care of my father on and off for the past 6 years. I am currently his fulltime caretaker and have been so for the past 8 months. I am by no means the saint the previous two statements make me out to be, but I have, as everyone does, found it in me to be that person. I left a financial career, am about to start a new culinary career and at the moment, taking care of my family….and myself. As I start this I am about to move to NY, where my girlfriend, her sister, myself and my father with all live in a house together. As much as I wish it were not so, I am writing this blog, because, early onset Alzheimer’s is only going to become more and more prevalent in the coming years and if one person laughs, cries or I end up getting an advertising sponsor…than it’s all worth it. :)
Interests Rugby, Cooking, skydiving, surfing, skiing, yoga, fly fishing, cards, vino, gambling, working out, mild obsession with sports, watching my Steelers & Buckeyes, traveling around the world, drinking on the beach, meeting new people, the fam, my boys and my girl