My blogs
Blogs I follow
- memory issues | Our Journey With Mixed Dementia Following Stroke
- (Dementia Just Ain't) Sexy
- Adam Sibley
- Adventures with Dementia
- Alex Fox's Blog
- Ann's social care blog
- BRACE - let's beat Alzheimer's
- Cairn Stones
- Dementia Aware Alliance
- Dementia is everyone's business
- Dementia survivor, so far.....
- Forays into Fatherhood
- FTD is my Niche (apparently!)
- Her Absent Mind
- Hole Ousia
- Karim's 3D
- Living better with dementia
- Living well with dementia | The importance of the person and the environment for wellbeing
- Mum's Lost Marbles | Coping with dementia in the family
- Pippa Kelly ...
- Ray Is Sunshine
- Reflections on Dementia, Caregiving and Life in General
- The Age Page
- The Patient Patient
- The Road to Skye
- tommyontour
- We Were Five: Our Journey With Alzheimer's
- Which me am I today?
Gender | Female |
Location | United Kingdom |
Introduction | I'm a campaigner and consultant, writer and blogger. My dad had vascular dementia for approximately the last 19 years of his life. I aim to provide support and advice to those faced with similar situations, inform and educate care professionals and the wider population, promote debate and create improvements in dementia care. |