
About me

Gender Female
Introduction I'm a wife of 14 years, mom of 4 boys, and believer in the finished work of Jesus Christ. My "dream job" would be to meet with women over coffee and talk about life and the Bible all day every day, but that job would end up costing more than I'd bring in so I'm keeping it as a side hobby (for now). Writing is my means of processing the world around me as well as the world inside of me. It helps me put my thoughts in order, and it gives me an avenue to get my thoughts out. The title of my blog is "Credo ut Intelligam" which is a latin phrase meaning "faith seeking understanding" or "I believe that I might understand." I’m not a genius - there is so much that I just do not understand - but I desire to have a faith that is constantly seeking understanding. As St. Anselm said, "Nor do I seek to understand that I may believe, but I believe that I may understand (credo ut intelligam). For this too I believe, that unless I first believe, I shall not understand."