Jaynarayan Tudu

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Engineering
Occupation Student
Location Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Introduction Divinity is infinite. Me, a small kid am playing with a monster like toy which I call "Computation and Consciousness". The domain of any knowledge seems to me like boundary less. The simple reason is that each and everything is connected to absolute truth, and the absolute as per the sages of ancient time is infinite. I somehow try to indulge myself and my mind in the ocean of divine books like Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam. I hope and pray to get some quantum of knowledge if at all I am fit and eligible enough to obtain that too.
Interests Dual interest on both science and spirituality, Reading scriptures, reading article on consciousness and related area, Visiting spiritual places, Meeting people of similar interest. Collecting biography of great people.
Favorite Movies Divine pastime of absolute truth. I like life of Sri Ramanujacharya, life of Tukaram, Life of saint Haridas Thakur. Over all I like life of great acharyas.
Favorite Music Hari Kirtan- song of GOD
Favorite Books Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavatam

What is consciousness? Is every thought that my mind generates is like a hands, legs or any other organ that my physical body is having? What is subtlety?