André Leão

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About me

Gender Male
Industry Consulting
Occupation Economista
Location Lisboa, Portugal
Interests Astronomia, ecologia e música
Favorite Movies Flying Over a Cuckoos Nest, Vertigo, The Rear Window, Life of Brian, Naked Lunch, Les Idiots, Dark City, Crash, A Clockwork Orange, Underground, Taxi Driver, Metropolis, Citizen Kane... Hitchcock, Lars Von Trier, Monty Phyton, David Lynch, David Cronenberg, Fritz Lang, Murnau, Orson Wells...
Favorite Music The Sound, The Chameleons, Theatre of Hate, The Comsat Angels, The Wolfgang Press, Danse Society, X Mal Deutschland, VNV Nation, NamNamBulu, Frozen Plasma, Icon of Coil, God Module, State of the Union, Project Pitchfork, Haujobb... EBM, Future Pop, Synth Pop, Goth, Dark Wave, Dark Folk...
Favorite Books Fernao Capelo Gaivota, Contacto, O Ponto Azul-Claro, Perfume, A Pomba, Cem Anos de Solidao, 1984, O Principezinho, Historia da Gaivota e do Gato que a Ensinou a Voar, Baudolino, O Universo Dinamico, O Pendulo de Focault, A Misteriosa Chama da rainha Loana... Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Brian Greene, Patrick Suskind, Luis Sepulveda, Umberto Eco, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, George Orwell, Agatha Christie, Patricia Cornell...