André Leão
My blogs
Blogs I follow
Gender | Male |
Industry | Consulting |
Occupation | Economista |
Location | Lisboa, Portugal |
Interests | Astronomia, ecologia e música |
Favorite Movies | Flying Over a Cuckoos Nest, Vertigo, The Rear Window, Life of Brian, Naked Lunch, Les Idiots, Dark City, Crash, A Clockwork Orange, Underground, Taxi Driver, Metropolis, Citizen Kane... Hitchcock, Lars Von Trier, Monty Phyton, David Lynch, David Cronenberg, Fritz Lang, Murnau, Orson Wells... |
Favorite Music | The Sound, The Chameleons, Theatre of Hate, The Comsat Angels, The Wolfgang Press, Danse Society, X Mal Deutschland, VNV Nation, NamNamBulu, Frozen Plasma, Icon of Coil, God Module, State of the Union, Project Pitchfork, Haujobb... EBM, Future Pop, Synth Pop, Goth, Dark Wave, Dark Folk... |
Favorite Books | Fernao Capelo Gaivota, Contacto, O Ponto Azul-Claro, Perfume, A Pomba, Cem Anos de Solidao, 1984, O Principezinho, Historia da Gaivota e do Gato que a Ensinou a Voar, Baudolino, O Universo Dinamico, O Pendulo de Focault, A Misteriosa Chama da rainha Loana... Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Brian Greene, Patrick Suskind, Luis Sepulveda, Umberto Eco, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, George Orwell, Agatha Christie, Patricia Cornell... |