Vanessa Stolarski, Founder

About me

Introduction It all started with tomatoes. Purchasing disappointing tomato after tomato, I resolved never to buy them in the off season. Off-season produce was soon followed by chicken. Holding up a chicken breast the size of my head, I said to my husband, "This is unnatural. This just isn't right." More and more in grocery stores I noticed sub-par produce and hyper-grown meat. A viewing of the film "Food, Inc." reinforced my disgust & led me to seek out area farms who believed in humane and ecologically sound farming practices. Today, we aim to educate communities on their food choices, help connect them to area farmers and create a consciousness that might eventually send a clear message to the FDA. To quote the great Dee Snyder: "We're not gonna take it. No. We're not gonna take it. We're not gonna take it, anymore."