John Koenig

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About me

Introduction I was raised as a Catholic and considered myself a Christian, although I now know that I wasn't. I attended church on Sundays, repeated the prayers and sang the songs by rote. The Priests selected the passages from the Bible, but the parishioners were not expected to read the Bible, so I never owned one. Other than greeting a few friends on Sunday, or attending a "Fish Fry" during Lent, there was no interaction with other church members. In my life I had always felt that something was missing but I didn't know what it was. In my whole Catholic experience, I had never heard the "Good News,” or it was never explained in a simple way that I could understand. I knew for certain that if Heaven existed, I wasn't good enough to get in. I met Carol in Jan 2008 and she introduced me to Grace Community Church. I approached Grace with skepticism and lots of questions. Through the patience of Pastor Mark Norman, our "small group" Bible study and most importantly Carol, my skepticism eroded, my questions were answered and I turned my life over to Christ. It's been a really exciting journey so far. Now it's time to find out what God wants me to do with the rest of my life.