Guess Who I am

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About me

Industry Student
Occupation what is that?
Location Some where in Milky way, some where in solar system, Canada
Introduction I love every espect of camping to such a degree of extremity that I even love every part that I hate. Since I hate most of camping, I love to hate camping. I have interesting personalities that often marks me distinguishly different from others, and for good or for bad, it also allows me to leave very deep memory. However, I tend to forget most of the name of the people that I subconsiously believe to be unimportant over time...basically speaking, if I remember your name, I regard you as important. Due to my extreme aragance in elementary school, my name was banned. Only the teacher or else me can say my name out loud or else it is a trip to the principals office. I enjoy science and music. The first book I had ever read was a documentary about the after effects of nuclear activity-more specificly the nuclear fission bombs dropped on Japan during the world war II. The first song I ever heard was Mary Had A Little Lamb.
Interests physics, psychology, neuronscience, nanotechnology, laser technology, direct energy weapon research, interstellar travel, biochemistry and inorganic chemistry, piano, poetry, gaming, chess, day dreaming, aerodynamics, study of waves, Gravity and space-time, nuclear weak and electromagnetism, certain philosophies, mechanics, ballistics, war tactics, optics, higher than 4 dimensional kinematics, etc
Favorite Movies My philosphy is always: 1. The more people join, the better. 2. A diligent assistant without self esteem is worser than a slothy assistant with extreme ego. 3. Life should be as complex as possible or else life will be far more boring than what it should be. 4. Forget about sins. If sins exist, people will be looking down at abyss and ask what is so funny down there. 5. Everything is possible=everything is impossible; doesn't matter if you say yes or no, the answer is correct. 6. Dreams don't die...but if they do, they will live on and haunt you. 7.One book beats a billion lectures. My favourite thing to do at my spare time is either to write poetry, to play games, to play piano, to ponder at certain questions, to day dream or to else research on powerful but at the same time environmentally friendly power generators. Sometimes I will try to construct electromagnetic launchers as well. Even though I don't like construction, but sometimes that is better than boredom. Favourite movies: Transformers(mainly of its graphical contents and the perspective the plot is been told).
Favorite Music Some people considered me as lazy, others considered me modest and hard working. If I am to choose which of those are to apply, I will say all of them are true-even the lies. Sometimes it is not about who you think you are, but rather how others see you. Unfortunately, much of the world today is blinded by their own self importance than to realize that it is not how well they are, it is how well others see you as. Often I try to see both sides of an arguement. For example, I had once argued that earth is flat against my older cousin. Me:One can supposingly argue that Earth is flat and anything beyond Earth is a field of nothing. No just devoid of matter or energy but also space itself. Therefore, scientifically speaking, a person that travels outside of the flat zone will immediately end on the other side as there is no real distance between the two ends of the map. The stars are just optical illusions formed by constant annihilation and formation of exotic matter. Cousin: If exotic matter can be constantly formed out of no where and any place out side of Earth is incapable of holding energy...then it must mean that Earth will absorb every possible energy there is and trap it there. Will that be possible? My Ans: How do you think global warming occurred? Cousin: How does gravity works then? My Ans: Gravity is caused by the force exerted on you by atmospheric pressure. That is why you can float in water. Cousin: Why can submarines go down? My Ans: there is air in it. Cousin: what is holding the air from escaping? My ans: the barrier of nothing. Cousin: How did Earth come to being? My ans: Ask the priest. Cousin: Why are there other planets? And why can we sent probes to there? My ans: Long ago, a part of Earth broke off and drifted into the field of nothing. There is still a small trend of stretched space between the pieces. Cousin: what is your IQ? My Ans: Higher than you. Favourite music: Another day
Favorite Books Sometimes I wondered what kind of a person I really am, but often to realize that it is harder to describe myself than perhaps anyone else. Yes, I do love, I do have emotions, and I do return them. It is strange how some can see me as emotionless and the others see me as perfectly human. Maybe it is just because I rarely show my inner thoughts. Eventhough I sometimes speak without thinking(not that anyone would know)but even then, 90% of my thoughts are already filtered out. My parents used to say that it is easy to predict my actions in every case...But I often laughed at their predictions: they are always 10% right...and fail to see 90% of the picture. Oh well, life filled with wonders. Favourite book:, The last lecture, Demonata, Encyclopedia of Natural Science, Encyclopedia of Modern science, Physics of the Impossible, 101 Famous poems, The offical dictionary of the unofficial language, Influence the psychology of persuation, Dummies guide to hypnosis, Dummies guide to hacking, Time paradox, Time Machine, Twilight, The nightworld, A brief history through time, A briefer history through time, False Premises, and much more. Just by the way, my favourite quote is "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." -Walt Disney

What spells can you cast with magic markers?
