Taphophilia Catafalque

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About me

Gender Female
Occupation Holistic Therapist
Location Cambridge, United Kingdom
Links Audio Clip
Introduction An interested and inquisitve visitor, softly stepping amongst the stones, sharing a smile with some and silently shedding a tear or two as I also walk the long road home
Interests Natural World, Being Creative, The Unexplained, Anthropology, Shamanism, New Zealand, Gnomes, Maoris, Healing, Holistic Therapies, Spirituality, Drumming, Reading, Writing, Folklore, Paganism, Monumental Masonary, Cemeteries, Tombstones, Social History, Photography, Travelling, Mythology, Cookery, Gardens, Churchyards, Native American Indians, Psychology, Hypnotherapy, Esoterica, Crystals, Steampunk, Social History
Favorite Movies Avatar 3D, The Piano, What dreams may come, Amelie, Chocolat
Favorite Music Clair de Lune
Favorite Books The Death and Life of Charlie St.Cloud, The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency Series, Falling Angels by Tracy Chevalier

Why does the color blue mean raspberry-flavored?

That's simply not true.... The colour blue is Spearmint flavoured