Wabi Sabi Penguin

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Occupation Humorist (at least to myself)
Location Oregon, United States
Introduction Sometimes my wife, 4 kids and 2 dogs wonder what the heck all this sitting stuff is. We joke about how "I'm getting better at sitting." But as anyone knows who has tried Zen, it's a strange combination of a very simple practice that is very difficult to do...however; "I really am getting better" (I try to say again in my best Monty Python voice so I don't have to get on the cart.)

"Dad, you're a dork!" shoots back from the other room.
Interests -My 4 Living Vows- Daily encounters are numberless.<br /> I vow to free them from my judgments, ambitions, fears, and ego with awareness, and a commitment to discovering and sharing compassion and loving-kindness with all.<br /><br /> Delusions are inexhaustible, continually distracting from experiencing this very moment. I vow to end them with awareness, humor, and gentle perseverance.<br /><br /> Opportunities to practice are boundless.<br /> I vow to enter them with openness, curiosity, appreciation and honesty.<br /><br /> The Buddha way is unreachable without living these vows.<br /> I vow to embody them and live a joyful, wakeful, accepting life.
Favorite Books "Everyday Zen: Love and Work" and " Nothing Special" by Charlotte Joko Beck "Waking Up to What You Do" by Diane Eshin Rizzetto "Old Path White Clouds" by Thich Nhat Hanh