Hong Liang, Teoh

My blogs

About me

Introduction Hmm... I am a human, with two ears, one nose and a mouth. Okay, stop that kidding around. I can't tell for sure what characteristics i possess, but The One up there knows. I'll just tell you what I think of myself. I think I am kind of simple on the outside, but kind of complicated on the inside, that is to a level so high that even me, don't know myself sometimes. I am kind of annoying sometimes, feels hurt if abused (no matter what kind), but after a while will try to forgive, therefore easing the pain. I'm a kind of person that is kind of comical but isn't, you would not know how comical I am until you see my inner self, don't be surprised if you find it on a totally different level than my outside, trust me, many people get surprised when I tell them that, I know you all are going..."What??? You're lying..." but I'm telling the truth, only one has succeeded in knowing my inner self, my inner attitude, my actual self, part of me that just gets so excited and leaps in excitement inside when doing something big, my thoughts, my actions before I act, it's Him up there...
Favorite Music God Will Make A Way, God is Good All the Time, Xiao Jiu Wo, Amazing Grace, One Way, Still, My Hope, Our God Is An Awesome God
Favorite Books Tom Sawyer, Three Musketeers, A Series Of Unfortunate Events, The Lord Of The Flies, The Narnia Series, Roald Dahl Books like: The BFG, The Twits, Matilda, The Magic Finger, George's Marvelous Medicine, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory