Crazed Nitwit
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- "AccordingtotheBook"
- 12 Hour Nurse
- A Journey through Nursing School & Beyond...
- A Student Nurse's Survival Guide
- Adventures in the 32-Aker Wood
- Adventures of Hood Nurse: Hood Hospital 2, Electric Boogaloo
- alfrhnsby
- Angel's World
- Antigenic Shift
- AtYourCervix
- Awake In Rochester
- Bad Grandma
- Birthday Nurse
- Boy Crazy
- Boy OH Boy!
- Buddha of Hollywood
- Burgh Baby
- Caffeine and Xanax
- Call bells make me nervous
- Carrie Link
- Chicky Chicky Baby
- Connie's Other Blog
- Conquering The Deep
- Cow Patty Surprise
- Crash-Course In Nursing
- Did I REALLY sign up for this??
- Driven to Distraction
- Fall Down Seven, Stand Up Eight
- Fifty'ish and Fabulous!
- Flea's World
- Frazzled-razzle-rn
- Going West......
- Grey's Anatomy its Not....Tales from the Trenches of Nurse Education
- Grow With Me
- Half-Past Kissin' Time
- Head Nurse
- Her Bad Mother
- Here We Go Again
- Hyperbole and a Half
- It's Always Something...
- Jeanie in Paradise
- JS-Kit
- Just Nikke
- JustMyLife
- Land of Mama Grits
- Letters from Usedom
- MeanDonnaJean's Stinkin' Thinkin' III
- menopausaloldbag (MOB)
- Mermaid Left as Ligan. Please Reclaim.
- Midlife Nursing Crisis
- Misty's Musings
- Mom's Journal
- Mom, Wife, Student, Nurse, Ahhh!
- Mommy Melee
- Musings of The Mom Jen
- My JOllie Home
- My Little Drummer Boys
- My Strong Medicine
- My Therapy
- Nest Half Empty
- Never that Easy
- Nurse Philosopher
- NurseNightmare On Trauma Drama Street
- Off The Top Of My Head
- Operation Get Happy
- Order & Chaos
- Organized Chaos
- Pieces of Me
- PinkyRN ...Currently blogging about..........
- Please Don't Friend Me
- Prin's Links for Social Work Students
- purplefrogcat
- R(etired)N
- Ramblings of an ER Zombie Nurse
- RehabRN
- rhymeswithplague<br>rhymeswithplague<br>rhymeswithplague<br>rhymeswithplague<br>rhymeswithplague
- Simple, Sassy Sarah
- Single, Bereaved, Broken and Tenacious
- Snowbrush
- Southern Discomfort
- Suburban Scrawl
- Sugar and Cyanide
- Suldog
- Swim Around Bainbridge
- The Adventures of Bob The Nurse
- The Five Facets
- The Nurse in Purple Converse
- True Wife Confessions
- Uncompromised Airways
- We're all just wingin' it . . .
- Whose life is this anyways?
- World T-shirt Brands
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Nurse |
Location | Near Seattle, The Northwest, United States |
Introduction | Still trying to figure out who I am. |
Interests | Reading, writing, making my small world a better place in my own twisted way. |
Favorite Music | Contemporary Christian, the 80's, rock but not metal, some popular, kinda eclectic. |
Favorite Books | Non-fiction inc. WWII history esp. the Holocaust, anything medically related, thrillers, medical suspense, intelligent fiction |
What did you dream when you ate a spider while sleeping?
The big green frog wore a purple mohawk wig to entire the small light green spotted female frog.