~ it is S.O.

My blogs

About me

Location The Northwest, United States
Introduction The ancestors on both sides of my family tree were "converts" to the Mormon church - pioneers, who at great personal sacrifice, came across the ocean, then the great plains, in handcarts and wagon trains, to finally settle in Utah and Snowflake, AZ. Though my parents both came from mainly “inactive” or non-church-attending families, by their teen years, they had both individually become "active" members of the Mormon Church. They met and later were "sealed" or married for time and all eternity" according to Mormon doctrine and practices in the Salt Lake Temple. I am the oldest of the 7 living children born to them. My family was, what I liked to define as, "hyper-active" in the L.D.S. Church, as my father served in main leadership positions all my growing up life, and raised us firmly grounded in the L.D.S. teachings and practices of that time period in the Mormon church. This is where my own story and journey begins...
Interests My first love of my life is Jesus Christ, followed by my Husband and children and the rest of my family in Christ...