Three Chicks & One Egg

About me

Introduction Hi! I'm Wendy (aka Mama Chick), married to DP (aka Egg) and have two beautiful daughters CP & NP (aka 2 chicks). I love spending time with my family, crafting, creating inexpensive "masterpieces" for my home, reading, travel, photography, yoga, Zumba, Miami Moose hockey and so much more! I often say that I could use "Go-Go Gadget Arms" so that I could hold/help each daughter, scratch DP's back and participate in all of my interests at once. Alas, I have not been able to develop this super-power so in the meantime I must try to squeeze all that I can into a few short hours a day! I have found so much inspiration through other blogs and I hope that I can provide you with a little! Thanks for stopping by!