Ashley Carmela

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About me

Introduction it's not about the big things. it's the small things. the smell of a fall day. a cup of coffee with an old friend. tears from uncontrollable laughter. the look on someones face when they talk about the one they love. holding hands and not wanting to let go. unplanned photos. babies ears. a cold glass of water after a long run. nail polish. the smell of new shoes. six degrees of separation. cucumbers and pickles. voicemails from best friends. motivational speeches. quotes. did I mention quotes?. daisies. dried seaweed. the smell of pine-sol. crossing things off my to-do-list. finding a greeting card that says exactly what you wanted to say, only better. super shinny lip gloss. meaningful song lyrics. sharing a smile with a stranger. the last page of a really good book.