
About me

Introduction I'm a very ordinary person. I have no special skills or talents, nor have I ever achieved or done anything others regard as extraordinary. If you knew my name you couldn't have fun 'googling' me. I'm a bit of a dullard sometimes. Things that seem clear to others are a mystery to me. I quite like exploring why that's so.
Interests People, and making things grow out of the ground.
Favorite Movies I love film as a medium of communication. My favourites range from the most inpenetrable to the most giddily 'popular'. I don't see the point in making a list though.
Favorite Music I rarely listen to music. As with films my taste is all over the place. When I do go through a 'liking music' phase I can happily spend one day listening to Gram Parsons, the next to Take That, and the next to Mozart.
Favorite Books I love reading anything, but I would rather read the back of a Corflakes packet than Mis-lit or Chick-lit. Car manuals are out too. I like serious, well written novels, serious, well written biographies, and serious well written accounts of events, both past and 'current'.