Monique the Geek

My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Location Idaho Falls, ID, United States
Introduction Oh, eff. I hate these things. What the hell do I do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I believe in the potential for world peace, I lie like crazy (is that true or false? IDK), I want to sell an air guitar to a homeless person, I chew my nails, AND I just ate a whole bowl of blueberries (absolutely true), idiotic people is my job security, I'm obsessed with clearance racks and window shopping, I have started about 10k books - but stop at the last chapter, I'm OCD about things that have no importance... and a mess with stuff that do. That's me.
Interests I want to drive around the world.... literally drive. I want a car that floats on water, and can cut through mountains. I am gonna learn to rock climb. Afterwards, I'm gonna climb that mountain that I just cut through, and base jump off of it.... right into the water where I can learn to (swim first, hopefully) surf to a deserted island that is the location of a retarded reality TV show... in which I'll be the star of. It's gonna be called something profound. I'll let you know when I can think of anything profound...
Favorite Movies I'm such a chicken... I hate scary movies. I like anything other than that though... No, that's not true. I don't like overly gory movies... Like Saw and Texas Chainsaw Massacre (which I think is the dumbest story ever). There are way too many movies that I like, that I'm not even gonna put in here. I'll just do you a favor and quote them in random retarded parts of my blogs. And you figure them out.
Favorite Music Ohhhh... Everything! I LOVE music. I listen to everything from techno, classical, classical techno, opera, techno opera, rock, rock techno, heavy metal, heavy metal techno, pop, techno pop, R&B, R&B techno, rap, techno rap, hip-hop, hip-hop techno, Disney, techno Disney on ice. I almost ALWAYS am listening to music... and I am not a fan of techno county.
Favorite Books I don't read a lot of fiction books, but I did read the Twilight ones. And I have to say, I effing LOVED those!! (Shut it! I know, I know) But was disappointed in the movies. Anyways. The books I normally read are self-help, new age, motivational type books. Wayne W. Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Esther Hicks, Don Miguel Ruiz, etc. I like to read but insist on having highlighters. I mark/color the hell out of my books! Oh, and I never finish them... or ANYTHING, for that matter.

If you knew it was impossible to fail, what would you do? If you had to choose between cutting off all of your limbs or saving a homeless person's life, what would you choose? What about if that person was a criminal? Can you spell amoebic dysentery. Crap. I think I just gave that away.