kristen marie

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Fashion
Location United States
Introduction I collect lingerie for needy, sexy people.
Interests Fashion, art in all its forms, bunnies, superglue.
Favorite Movies Rachel Getting Married. The Life Aquatic. The Visitor. Breakfast at Tiffany's. Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain. Secretary. Humboldt County.
Favorite Music The Doors. Lykke Li. Jimi Hendrix. Joni Mitchell. Erykah Badu. Lady Gaga. Bob Dylan.
Favorite Books The Unbearable Lightness of Being. La Peste. The Bell Jar. Le Petit Prince.

Create a tagline for a new line of plastic bedsheets.

I have, in actual fact, slept on plastic bedsheets twice in my lifetime. It feels like a cross between being swathed in saran wrap and sticking to your Nan's plastic couch cover in mid-July heat... which is to say, it doesn't come highly recommended. Not from me anyway.