
About me

Gender Female
Location Baltimore, Maryland
Interests literature, art, culture, ethnic foods, love, lust, passion, merrymaking, drink, dance, travel, escape, moments of insanity, moments of genius
Favorite Movies Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Amelie, In July, Napolean Dynamite, Me and You and Everyone We Know
Favorite Music Rachael Yamagata, CocoRosie, Devotchka, Billie Holiday, the Strokes, the Weakerthans, Fiona Apple, Portishead
Favorite Books Jazz, Sula, Going After Cacciato, The Things They Carried, A Death in the Family, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, LOLITA!!!, Junky, Slaughterhouse Five, Breakfast of Champions, A Clockwork Orange, Their Eyes Were Watching God, The Iliad

You're going to the moon! What did you forget to pack?

toothbrush... always forget the toothbrush