
Blogs I follow

About me

Industry Non-Profit
Occupation Wage slave
Location Denial, United States
Introduction "The morning found me miles away with still a million things to say."
Interests nobility of failure, zines, lo-fi, pizza by the slice, wabi sabi, untamed yards, liner notes, loose-knit banter, grudges, mixed tapes, eavesdropping, measured verbosity, The New York Times correction box, peppermint, cassette decks, urban farms, shadow puppetry, button fly jeans, "throw-away" lines, almond butter, libertarian socialism, Crème Brûlée, agit-prop, slackers, community supported publishing, night bike rides, good fucking coffee, "useless" knowledge, informed revolt, leftovers, free podcasts, low-key moments, "old"-school (70's, 80's, and early 90's) steel-lugged road bikes, muckraking, libraries, Mr. Fish, late evening constitutionals, Beaujolais Nouveau, lunch hour hikes, chance encounters, lost and found bins, closed captions, wistful ruminations, overstepping bounds, trash-talk, over-sentimentality, secular humanism, frugality, foolish endeavors, ice-cold micro-brews in frosty pint glasses, burning metaphoric bridges, finding lost whimsy, smartasses, skepticism, subversion, illuminated grace, lazy walks, idle moments, community supported agriculture, DIY, contrarians, aimless photography, anarcho-syndicalism, playing hooky, quiet details, Hermenaut, all things Lebowski and what-have-you