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About me

Gender Female
Location Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Introduction I'm always attracted to novels . especially the one that have to do with "love"(my friends doesn't know this) . And GempakStarz never disappointed me . I always enjoy reading their comics.OH! and I can't describe how much I love Anime Comics ! haha ..u guys bored already ? ^^ I think enough about me huh ? wait,maybe a little more(haha ..sorry) Singing is one of my hobbies . I JUST couldn't stop singing and u know what ? in fact I was singing when i wrote this ! xD
Interests WHHAaa ?? HAHA xD
Favorite Movies MY FAV FILMS ? .. oh well I have a lot, so ... I'll tell u guys later !
Favorite Music I always love DEMI LOVATO'S musics AND I LOVE RANDY PANGALILA !!!! he got half of my heart.. otherwise than that ? hurmm .. I'm gonna tell u guys later ^^!
Favorite Books LOVE NOVELS of course ! but Im more into Anime Comics . I've got some colloections of GempakStarz comics !

Random Question ? well , I actually dont get this part .. but WHY DOES A LOT OF CELEBRITIES LOOK SO GOOD ? o.O!