McKenzie Langford

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Publishing
Introduction McKenzie Langford is a reader, a writer, and a fledgling optimist. Some influences include: Tom Robbins, Richard Brautigan, rock-n-roll, Arthur Rimbaud, James Merrill, nostalgia, science fiction, the South, dream debris, hearty meals, and probably other stuff. She has a runt puppy named Sycamore, her faithful companion in regular backyard adventures. McKenzie follows the doctrine propounded by the Church of the Eternal Belly Laugh.
Interests live music, beer, camping, hiking, disc golf, mystery science theater 3000, food and cooking, science fiction, poetry, used bookstores, libraries, writing, sushi, doctor who, backgammon, mancala, religion, science, coffee, the beach, swimming, badminton, frisbee
Favorite Movies buster keaton, david cronenberg, documentaries
Favorite Music built to spill, futurebirds, emancipator, suede
Favorite Books jitterbug perfume (tom robbins), in watermelon sugar (richard brautigan), be here now (ram dass), the book on the taboo against knowing who you are (alan watts), labyrinths (jorge luis borges), one hundred years of solitude (gabriel garcia marquez), heartbreak house (bernard shaw), pale fire (vladimir nabokov), the sirens of titan (kurt vonnegut), illuminatus! trilogy (robert anton wilson and robert shea), the crying of lot 49 (thomas pynchon), valis (philip k. dick), planetary (warren ellis), solaris (stanislaw lem), atlas shrugged (ayn rand), one hand clapping (anthony burgess), house of leaves (mark z. danielewski), the lord of the rings (j.r.r. tolkien), the archaic revival (terrence mckenna), the stars my destination (alfred bester), his dark materials (philip pullman), richard iii (shakespeare), wise blood (flannery o'connor), the changing light at sandover (james merrill), william blake, w.b. yeats, w.h. auden, mina loy