Steve Brant
My blogs
- The Business Of Hope
- Services, Vision, Mission and Values
- Another Giant Leap for Mankind
- The World Of Our Dreams
- Move America's Values
- Make The Future So
- Principles Of Responsible Living
- Programs and Projects
- Move Our Values
- The Mother Earth Partnership Project
- Mankind's Next Giant Leap
- Jimmy Stewart's Centennial Comes To Washington
- Latest News And Activities
- Going Real
- Communication on Progress
- Our Next Giant Leap
- The Essential Transformation
- The Magic Bullitt
- Trimtab Management Systems
- Jimmy Stewart's Centennial Goes To Washington
- The Next Giant Leap for Mankind
- Move My Values
- Integrity Day
- VIDEO: ICCA Conference Presentation
- Idea Consultants
- Think Differently
- A World Beyond War In Our Lifetime
Gender | Male |
Industry | Consulting |
Location | New York, NY, United States |
Introduction | Steve Brant is an independent researcher, theorist, and speaker on how the sustainable international development movement can achieve the ultimate goal of a peaceful and prosperous world for us all. Since 1979, Steve has known that zero-sum, scarcity-based economic theory is obsolete and must be replaced by abundance-based principles for this goal to be achieved. Steve's focus is on educating ordinary individuals and bringing them into the sustainable development process, knowing that the world's political leaders will not implement "version 2.0" of our global sociopolitical economic system until the people demand it. Steve's civil engineering background enables him to understand the "built environment" side of human society, while his studies in the fields of organizational development, corporate social responsibility, and politics enable him to understand the developmental challenges the world faces. Steve's work is based on the landmark research of systems theorists R. Buckminster Fuller, W. Edwards Deming, and Russell L. Ackoff. Steve was one of the first bloggers for The Huffington Post when that site launched in May of 2005. |