
My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Ankara, Türkiye
Introduction About Us & Blog Site Hello, thank you very much for the visiting and interest our blog site. It is a pleasure to meet you. Here is what we are all about; we are couple of friends who live in the Anatolian/Turkey. We have known eachothers very much. I mean we are very close friends. We are natives of Anatolian and passionate about our hometown and the health, tasty Anatolian (Turkish) kitchen (cousine). Also, you can call Anatolian cousine as "Mediterranean Cousine." Because Anatolian/Turkey borders the Mediterranean Sea. Furthermore, Anatolian based Ottoman Empire rulled all the Mediterranean region for over 600 years. As you know, The Mediterranean Cousine is one of the oldiest, healtiest and efficient cousine in the world. According to many reports of science; the foods of the Mediterranean play a starting role for healty and long life. We love food, cooking food and we love reading and watching about food, writing about food. We write this blog to share our culinary experiences in Anatolian (Mediterranean) cousine. We hope you enjoy our recipes here and lookforward to hearing from you.
Interests Mediterranean Foods, Mediterranean Cuisine, Anatolian Foods, Anatolian Cuisine.