Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot

My blogs

About me

Industry Arts
Occupation Jack-Artist's Assistant and Model, Persephone-Research Assistant, Tenzing-Naughty Cat, Lancelot-Toy Herder
Location Southern Alberta, Canada
Introduction Cast of Characters:

Jack- Magnificent Man-cat of the house. I'm a 16yo House Panther. I'm a Viking Cat, artist's model and assistant. I'm the Good One.

Persephone- my sister. She cuddles with me, and understands I'm Boss-Cat. She's a gorgeous house panther too. She's 7. PersePHONY is her Evil Twin.

Tenzing, AKA The 'Red Meniss'- An Orinch Floof-Monster and a Jurk who think he's a Sooper-Herocat. He's 3 and still hasn't learned any manners.

Lancelot: House Panther, Member in Good Standing of the Toy Herder's Yooyin, with a wide white smile of happiness on his Belleh! He's 1

The OTW- Opposable Thumb Wench (AKA Mom, Mom-Lady, Lady-Person, Ebil-Arch-Nemesis-Lady-Person-Kitten-Cuddler.) My personal human. I've had her since I was born. She's an artist and an expert at scritches and tummy-rubs.

The Big One- He's very BIG. He almost reaches the ceiling!!! Persephone calls him her Daddy. Tenzing and Lancelot think he's a walking jungle gym.
Interests Napping, bug hunting, bird-watching, evil mousie toy hunting, exploring, racing, monkeys, rolling around in the sun, pestering House Panthers, destroying cardboard boxes, being naughty

You've been entered in a shadow puppet contest. What's your best pose?

Black Cat Sitting.