Mr Puddy

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Non-Profit
Occupation Cat
Location Bangkok, Thailand, Thailand
Introduction Welcome to my kitty world ! I'm age 9 and I'm an Aussie Cat. I lived in Melbourne Australia for 7 years. Late April 2016 my pawrent & me moved to Bangkok Thailand and now my new journey begins ! New Blog address : MR Puddy +
Interests Cats, Cat Food, Cat Toy, Catnip, Cat Grass, Cat Mint, Nap, Nice Human, Birds, Lizard, Mouse, Fly
Favorite Movies X-Men
Favorite Music Cricket noise *chirp chirp*
Favorite Books The little book of Calm for cat, Homer's Odyssey, Casper the commuting Cat, Housecat Confidential, Getting Out, Planet Cat, The Zen of Max, The World is still your Litter Box, Dear Sparkle, Cleo