Soccer Kicks 4 Kids

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About me

Introduction Hello! My name is Alex Kuenzli. Soccer Kicks 4 Kids all started when a teacher at school announced we would be working on our own service projects. I had no clue what I was going to do and then I remembered hearing a junior high boy speak when I was at a teen revival. He shared about his ministry that centered around raising money through sports. Then one day at soccer practice there was a man who came to our soccer club and he explained that he was going to be collecting soccer balls to take back for the children in Europe who were kicking around cans or beat up balls on dirt. Both of these ideas really inspired me. The pieces of the puzzle really started fitting together and the idea for Soccer Kicks 4 Kids was developed. It was perfect since I love playing soccer (as I have been playing since I was 3) and I have always had a passion for helping kids. Now I am able to use my love for soccer and at the same time share God’s love to others.