
About me

Location Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Introduction I started my wargaming in the '80s, at the height of the Cold War, gaming contemporary 'what-if' scenarios with various rules. Real life intervened for a while, the Cold War ended, and I moved on to other gaming interests. But a few years ago my passion for 'moderns' gaming was re-ignited when I discovered the excellent Oddzial Osmy 1:600 miniatures(through PicoArmor in the USA). These gave me the opportunity to collect large formations at a 1:1 ratio, and play out large scale actions. I started in the (now very 'retro') Cold War period with NATO-WARPAC clashes, but have now branched out into others. Most recently, I'm interested again in gaming 'what-if' contemporary and near-future scenarios involving real and "Imagi-nation" forces. So in a way, my gaming has come 'full-circle', and that is the subject of this blog...