Jeff and Amalia Wright

About me

Location Midvale, Utah, United States
Introduction We were married on October 20, 2006 in the Salt Lake Temple it was the happiest day of our lives! I was thrilled to start a life with my amazing husband Jeff. Our lives have been filled with so much love and affection and respect for one another, things are still perfect as ever! We enjoy spending most our time with friends and family, Our lives together have been filled with much surprises and new experiences but we learn on all that come our way and build on those things to makes us stronger! We absolutely love eachother and are so happy to know we'll be together forever! Bella Amalia Wright joined our family on March 17, 2012, she is soo amazing and we love her soo much, we are soo thrilled to be parents and can't wait to set off on this new journey with our little girl!!