Michael J Brudenell

My blogs

About me

Introduction Obsessed since my first martial arts movie in the late 70's, watching Kung Fu Theatre, I am The Manic Martial Artist. As I grew, I fancied that I would be a ninja. I had the ninja costume, built my own bow and arrows, with bamboo for the bow and thin dowels for the arrows, that I fletched myself. I even manufactured my own shuriken (throwing stars). My mom decided it was crucial to enroll me in a karate class when one day she observed me practicing the moves I learned from movies on a dummy made with old clothes, stuffed with newspaper and cloth. I studied Tae Kwon Do for a while, but got distracted by life. Later, as an adult I studied Capoeira, off and on, for several years. Currently I train MMA (Jeet Kune Do, Jiu Jitsu & Muay Thai), as well as still informally practicing Capoeira. The one constant has always been my obsession with all things Martial Arts!!