Kimberly Reed Barker

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About me

Gender Female
Location Boise, ID
Introduction Marketing director by day and (sometimes) frustrated artist by night, I've been involved with horses in some capacity my entire life. I don't ride any longer (thanks nasty back surgery) but I still love horses and everything about them, including the smell of a stall in the morning and pee-soaked shipping wraps. Yes, I know that's odd. I miss driving my silver dually-wheeled truck, I will never sell my Vogel’s and my fingers are currently stuck firmly in too many pies. I'm also a full-time time management failure, a daydreamer, Cohn’s disease owner and super duper graham cracker chef. These days I live in Boise, ID a few minutes from the river with my 3 semi-grumpy dogs and a big old bag of issues. As if you don't have any? Ha! I try to create a little art every day, even if sometimes that only means living on the edge and mixing some eyeshadow colors. I'll be using this blog to avoid housework, show my paintings, post links to other equestrian artwork, talk about new projects and write random, probably useless things about whatever travels through my head (or computer screen). I love what I do and I think you will too.
Interests Art, writing, politics and film.

You're trapped in a well with a goat and a slinky. Describe how you will escape.

Very carefully and the goat may have to die.