Lisa and Michael

My blogs

About me

Location Missouri
Introduction I am the wife of a soldier who is currently on the downhill side of a hot, sandy vacation in Kuwait. We just celebrated our one year anniversary in June while half a world away from each other. I love my husband more every day and I look forward to the day I get to see him again. Deployments are never easy...but I have to believe they make us stronger. Stronger as a couple and me stronger as an individual. I have spent the first half of this deployment working hard at making our house a wonderful home for him to come home to (meaning organized and decorated) and finding good ways to spend my time. Looking for the balance between time spent in solitude and among wonderful family and friends. I absolutely love the chaos that being with my family brings...and if you have ever spent time with my family you know what I am talking about. However, I also love my me I said...balance...and I have great friends who understand this. I am very fortunate to be able to say being in the presence of family is to be among friends and while with my friends I am surrounded by family. I *heart* you all!
Interests Right now I am on the verge of a major scrapbooking movement...which I really need. Other than that I spend my time working (too much time), relaxing with family and friends, and attempting to catch Michael on skype (not always easy considering the time change). Right now I am also focusing on getting my house organized and decorated and attemping to beat Super Mario Brothers on my Wii...which I am really bad at :(
Favorite Movies oh gee...give me two hours and I will watch just about anyting. I love Disney movies and know entirely too many Disney songs! Other faves include Moulin Rouge, the Bourne series, all the Harry Potter movies, most romantic comedies, and any movie with dancing or ice skating in (maybe because I envy their ability :)
Favorite Music depends on the I want to dance and sing, or just lay there and listen
Favorite Books I am a terrible book reader! Not because I don't enjoy it, but because I can't ever put it down...even at 2am! I do like the Harry Potter series, the Eragon Saga, most stuff by Dan Brown, Maeve Binchy, and Nicholas Sparks. I also like historical fiction and of course right now I'm on the Twilight kick.

What's the best time you've ever had licking stamps?

Addressing my wedding invitations <3<3<3