SatTrackCam Leiden

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Science
Occupation Lecturer Space Situational Awareness, archaeologist
Location Leiden, Netherlands
Introduction Dutch, 54, Lecturer in optical Space Situational Awareness at Delft Technical University, the Netherlands. Former stone age archaeologist (PhD). Also a meteoriticist and asteroid discoverer. As an invited expert I advised members of Dutch Parliament about military satellite systems and their locations during a 2016 foreign affairs committee hearing about the MH17 disaster.
Asteroid (183294) Langbroek was named after me. In 2012, I received the Dr. J. van der Bilt Prize of the Royal Dutch Astronomy Association (KNVWS) for my work on meteors, asteroids and satellites. Opinions expressed on this blog are entirely my own, not those of my employer.
You can find me on Twitter via @Marco_Langbroek

Interests Astronomy, archaeology, geology, satellites, meteorites, megaliths, reading, walking, culinary delights