
About me

Location France
Introduction Howdy! I'm a J-RPG gamer, an otaku and a brony, and in my life I got to feel very powerful emotional experiences when playing a game or watching a show or listening to music, that I feel are otherworldly and that I'm referring to as the power of "Passion". I want to share about that power with the world! Additionally, I fell in love with the brony community, that I consider like a real family, and I want to express my love and gratitude to all bronies and pegasisters for being so wonderful, changing the world, and making so many amazing fan works. I'm staff at Horse Music Herald and manager at Cider Party! And music writer for EQD, of course! I love you who's reading this right now!

Edit 2022: A victim of darkness in people's hearts, enduring backstabbings & attacks, I eventually got kicked out of HMH & EQD. It'd have been better if I had invested those unholy amounts of time into my own projects for which I would have had full control, but at least I learnt life lessons. If in my involvement for 8 years, I managed to make you discover good fan content creators, express my love & the power of Passion, that would make me happy!