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About me

Gender Female
Location Norman, OK
Introduction I'm a divorced mother of one amazing little guy. My son, Hayden, was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome in October of 2010. He was 6 years old. My life began to change course when I walked out of the pediatric neurologist's office. I knew that day; everything was going to change. It needed to change. It had to change. The "what if's" were endless and the only way I could cope was to find a way to control some fraction of the uncertainty the best I could. I knew I had so much to thank God for (he could have been diagnosed with something much worse than TS) but I still had that nagging voice that said "why him" and "what about my dreams for him". I decided then and there (in the bathroom as we left the appointment, actually) that I would make his life as amazing as it could be and that meant getting my crap together and pulling up my big girl panties and dealing. I'm super stoked your coming along for the ride!