
About me

Introduction Well...what can I say about myself??? Hmmm...I'm just an ordinary girl who hopes for simple things only. However, I seem to lose to everyone in whatever I do. I just want to be myself. I don't want to pretend cute but in fact I'm not. I don't want to pretend to be happy when I'm really feeling down and upset. As what people say, I have complicated thinkings and pessimistic. Actually, I'm who I am today is because of who I was yesterday. Although this might sound stubborn, I just can't change myself in just one or two days. I'm sure I can be a better one as how my loved one influences me. There was one period of time that I felt the differences in myself, but after awhile I am back to who I was. I guess this is just me. Hope that everyone can accept me for who I am. Anyway, I am a person who loves cares and pampering from others. Keke....