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Introduction We must change the negative connotation of the word cheap! You should be congratulated for getting something at a lower cost. Well we’re here to give you that pat on the back. We give you the NEW CHEAP! We live an amazing life, but for little or no cost. Trust me it can be done!! We’re saving for our futures, future home future family future lifestyle. Like most we grew up not having everything we wanted. But our single mothers made sure we had what we needed through the use of smart spending. Even though they didn’t make a lot, money was stretched to provide for necessities. A lot of the practices we now use today are directly from our mothers. Through instincts of survival, the seeds were planted for the NEW CHEAP LIFE. If your situation mirrors our mothers, this blog is for you. We’ll explore tried and true ways to allow you to experience life at its fullest while staying within any budget. If you are fortunate enough to have a disposable income, and currently have no problem living the life you dreamt of, why wouldn’t you want to do all of those things for a cheaper price tag? -the New Cheap Guys