My blogs
Gender | Female |
Location | West MI, United States |
Links | Audio Clip |
Introduction | Endurance-junkie, Cancer survivor, wife, mom, crazy cat lady, bleeding-heart liberal.... I used to have a running/cycling blog. Technically I still do. But after a 5 year blogging hiatus (not counting Caring Bridge) with a LITERALLY shitty cancer journey in the interim, I've decided to start fresh. Not really sure what focus this will take -- if any -- but too often I find myself needing to type out some stream-of-consciousness stuff not really suitable for social media, but still worth having as a personal reminder that survival is hard work, but well worth the effort. |
Interests | Wonder Woman, cycling, running, cats, daydreaming, eating cheese, binge-watching my stories, crushing the patriarchy... |
What spells can you cast with magic markers?
It depends...are they the ones that can get ya' high?