
My blogs

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About me

Gender Male
Occupation Father of 8, Husband to 1!
Location United States
Introduction I like spending time with the 8 blessings the Lord has seen fit to give my wife June and I. I love the wife that Jesus chose for me. We've been married now for over 17 years and are still getting to know one another daily.
Interests My lovely wife June, my 8 kids (Janai, Naomi, Stephen, Ravi, Joy, Joshua, Christian and Josiah, our twins!). Enjoy leading bible studies and public speaking.
Favorite Movies The Passion of the Christ, Gladiator, A Few Good Men, Saving Private Ryan, Braveheart, The Apostle, Say Anything, The Patriot
Favorite Music All types. The Lord has given me to ability to see His work thru various artists, both Christian and Non. Since God created all people, musical artists have the ability to express intrinsic values that display the Lords beauty in their lyrics and music. From Rock to Rap, classical to hymns, I find pleasure in it all!
Favorite Books The Holy Bible (Triune God), Confessions of a reformission rev. (Mark Driscoll), Reforming Marriage (Douglas Wilson), Federal Husband (D.Wilson), The Calvary Road (Roy Hession), Future Men (D.Wilson)

Please describe how you could take the peel off an apple all in one go:

Pray to a God who can do all things...