Rene Schmidt

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Education
Occupation Writer
Location Trenton, Ontario, Canada
Introduction Ask me about getting your son or daughter to enjoy reading more. I think schools emphasizing testing have it seriously wrong. My passion in teaching and my books are geared to promoting a lifelong love of reading.
Interests family, faith, writing, motorcycles, building stuff, politics, cutting wood on my land
Favorite Movies One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Descendants, Lifeguard, Casablanca, Eraserhead
Favorite Music Blues, classic rock, folk, gospel, some types of jazz and classical
Favorite Books The list is endless.

How is an ankle unlike a consequence?

There wasn't an old show called "Truth or Ankles" - (but I've seen the well-turned ankles the old guys used to mention. It exists)