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About me

Gender Male
Location United States
Introduction I'm a biblical (young-earth) creationist and non-denominational Christian.

Evolution is an ancient religious idea passed from the Hindus to the Babylonians to the Greeks which was adopted by secular humanists during the 18th and 19th centuries because they believed that it provided a scientific basis for the rejection of Christian moral values and denial of the existence of God.

"I suppose the reason why we leapt at the Origin of Species was that the idea of God interfered with our sexual mores.” - Thomas Huxley

Evolution has been thoroughly discredited by modern science, which has revealed Intelligent Design and Special Creation to be the cause of the origin and diversity of life. If what is presently known of biology and the features of plants and animals been known in 1857, no discussion of evolution would have continued.

My YouTube channel is here: NephilimFree

Interests Jesus Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God is loving, longsuffering, merciful, kind, forgiving, and just. Any who come to Him He will in no way cast out, and through His sacrifice is the redemption of all who are saved by God's grace. All who seek God will find Him. We are created in God's image. To be made in His image means to have spirit, to have the free will to chose, to have intellect, to have the capacity to love, to hate, to feel sorrow, to feel joy, and to experience God's presence.