Prayer For The City - Glasgow

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Introduction Calling the City of Glasgow to prayer. There is a growing band of believers whom God has placed on our hearts to pray, and pray specifically for our City, rather His City, Glasgow. The motto of Glasgow is "Let Glasgow Flourish By the Preaching of the Word and the Praising of His Name!", we want to reclaim that for the kingdom. God has put the vision in our hearts to put out the call to the city and to "humble ourselves and pray" for then "He will hear from heaven, forgive our sin, and heal our land"! We will post prayer requests, resources, guides and when God gives us a specific word or thought we will post this too. If you have a prayer request, then please feel free to email us or leave a comment. We meet every Thursday in our prayer space, currently in Anderston Kelvingrove Parish Church @ 12.30 - 1.30pm, if you're free it would be great to see you. Prayer For The City Glasgow is part of the ministry of The Salvation Army Glasgow City Centre Corps.