
About me

Gender Male
Location Münster, NRW, Germany
Introduction Im a Senior Programmer in a small software company coding erp software. Im spending 12h a day in front of one ore more computers, when not at work i am usally drinking quite a lot of becks while sitting in front of the screen. Im addicted to online poker since March 2006 and now you can follow me trying to build up a bankroll to become as rich as i deserve.
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Favorite Movies All the Quentin Tarantino Movies, The Blues Brothers, Hostel, House of the 1000 corpses, Rounders
Favorite Music Six Feet Under, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter, Napalm Death, and all the music your mommi dont want you to listen too ;)
Favorite Books The twisted life of serial hacker Kevin Paulsen, The Hobbit, Terry Pratchett Discworld Series