Savvy and Appy

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Qualified Beauty Therapists
Location Bury, Lancs
Introduction Debs and I are qualified Beauty Therapists with a passion for make-up, fashion, jewellery and socialising with our friends. We live in Bury, Lancs with its World Famous Market (allegedly) and the legendary Bury Black Pudding Co Ltd, the proprietor of which is our very good friend, Debbie Pierce. Michelle is the Director and Inventor of Savvylash, the new cosmetic tool to separate eyelashes after applying mascara.
Interests Beauty, Make-Up, Fashion, Socialising, Fine Dining, Fine Wines, Not So Fine Wines at the end of the pay month, Jogging, Shopping
Favorite Movies Deb's favourites are: The Shawshank Redemption, 300 (if only for Gerard Butler's abs so she can lick the telly!), Sex in the City II, RockNRolla (Gerard Butler again, you can never have too much of a good thing!) Michelle's are: Highlander (the first one or as Deb's pointed out, "So you mean Highlander 1 Michelle!!?") Bridget Jones (all of them because apparently they remind Michelle of Debs), Midnight Express, Fav Chick Flick "Serendipity"
Favorite Music Deb's Fav Song is : "You Got the Love" by Candi Staton Michelle's is "Ain't Nobody" by Chaka Khan
Favorite Books Deb's is: The Barrytown Trilogy by Roddy Doyle, Michelle's favourite author is Martina Cole