
My blogs

About me

Introduction I currently live in Tibetan refugee settlement in the south of India . You need a special permit from the Indian government in order to stay here given that it’s a protected territory. I do not have this paper. I applied for it over 2 months ago and have not received it yet. The police are pretty strict on this, and it is one of the rare things where a bribe will not really help. I go out mostly after sunset, and walk around with an umbrella (which hides my face, and the Tibetans do this a lot to protect themselves from the sweltering heat of the sun, so I don't stick out like a sore thumb) during the day. I keep away from the main road as much as possible. I sometimes joke and say I'm like an illegal refugee in a refugee camp. I live in a monastic community where there are 1500+ monks. I am here to study the language & bask in the culture. I'm also helping my best friend Kunga improve his english, and maybe eventually settle in Canada. I am also godmother to Passang, a 7 year old monk who lives with his teacher and has no more parents. So I help out with him as well. I have always had tremendous admiration and respect for this People.