
About me

Gender Male
Industry Non-Profit
Occupation Making you laugh and I haven't recieved a dime yet
Location Camelswat Village, Unoccupied Zone #32, Chad
Introduction I have a sweet ass.
Interests eating peanut butter related items, ghost hunting, collecting puma sneakers (please send any old pairs to me, I'm size 11 to 11.5), The Sierra Club
Favorite Movies Fight Club, Trainspotting, Dr. Strangelove, The Ring (Do you want to go with me to see the Ring 2?), Snatch, Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels, Blackhawk Down, Apocalypse Now, Sin City
Favorite Music Radiohead, Brand New, Libertines, Bach before he sold out, Fall Out Boy, Coalesce, The Academy Is, Babyshambles, AFI, Pearl Jam, My Chemical Romance, Bright Eyes, The Get Up Kids, Idlewild, Taking Back Sunday, APC, Saves the Day
Favorite Books Anything by Chuck Palahniuk, Jennifer Government, Catcher in the Rye, House of Leaves, Into the Wild, Douglas Coupland also a great, The Contortionist's Handbook, Will Christopher Baer, Beyond Good and Evil, Hempel

When you open your eyes underwater, do you ever worry that you'll drown?

No, my major concern is overzealous snapping turtles.