My blogs
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Bookseller |
Location | United Kingdom |
Introduction | Both at work and at home I am surrounded by books, and all the happier for it. It could be said that I have an addiction, I can rarely leave the house without coming home with some book or other, and my wishlists online stretch on and on.... One day I will own all the books on these lists but then won't be able to actually move in my house any more, already some of the book heaps are getting out of control..... In the interests of full disclosure a good number of the books I read have been sent gratis from a wide range of publishers. Some I will have requested, and some they will have sent out of the blue in the hopes that I will like their offering and give it a good review. Being sent a book to review is wonderful but all reviews are a frank reflection of my enjoyment of the book in question. If I love it I'll say so, if I hate it then I'll make this clear. All reviews and views are my own, and I hope I can help other readers to find some great things to read. |