
My blogs

About me

Occupation Emergency Room Registered Nurse
Location United States
Introduction Thank you for tuning in to my blog! I have been writing reviews on Goodreads and NetGalley for while now and creating a blog seemed liked the natural progression. My goal is to connect with other readers that share my love of books. I want to share with others my thoughts on my favorite books and authors. A little about me ... I am a Emergency Room Nurse that loves to read a good thriller. Just a little something to keep the adrenaline going while I am not at work. My favorite type of author is able to pull you into their story and then throw a twist in that leaves you shocked and wanting more! My favorite type of day is sitting at home, with a cup of coffee and my dogs reading a fantastic book. I hope to share with you my favorites. With that said, let's get reading!
Interests Books, my dogs and ER nursing!