
My blogs

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Location Helsinki
Favorite Movies Alfred Hitchcock: Vertigo, North by Northwest etc., Robert Altman: Short Cuts, Player, and others, Woody Allen: Annie Hall, Hannah and her Sisters, Match Point etc., David Fincher: Se7en, Fight Club, and more, Quentin Tarantino: Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, & Jackie Brown, Pedro Almodovar: Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, and the rest of the early funny ones, John Badham: Stakeout, Spike Jonze: Being John Malkovich & Adaptation, and all other films based on Charlie Kaufman scripts, Michael Ritchie: Fletch, David O. Russell: I Heart Huckabees, Three Kings, Coen Brothers: The Big Lebowski, O Brother Where Art Thou, and others, Julio Medem: La ardilla roja, Tierra, Martin Brest: Beverly Hills Cop, Christopher Nolan: Memento, Insomnia, The Prestige, Francis Ford Coppola: Apocalypse Now!, Judd Apatow: 40-Year-Old Virgin, David Lynch: Blue Velvet, etc., Robert Zemeckis: Back to the Future I-III, Harold Ramis: Groundhog Day, Terry Gilliam: Brazil, 12 Monkeys, etc., George Lucas et al: Star Wars IV-VI, Marty Scorsese: Mean Streets, Raging Bull, etc., The Wachowski Brothers: Bound & Matrix, Howard Hawks: Rio Bravo, Vincent Gallo: Buffalo 66, Spike Lee: Do the Right Thing, and some others, Richar Linklater:, The School of Rock, and others, Michael Winterbottom: Wonderland, 24 Hour Party People, Tristram Shandy - A Cock and Bull Story, etc. etc. etc.
Favorite Music Ghostface, !!!, The Smiths, Jenny Wilson, Ruudolf, The Clash, Talib Kweli, LCD Soundsystem, Curtis Mayfield, Klaxons, De La Soul, Kemmuru, Jawbox, Eric B. & Rakim, Queens of the Stone Age, Justice, Nas, John Legend, Dinosaur Jr., Dizzee Rascal, Sway, The Cure, Roy Ayers, Michael Jackson, EPMD, Black Star, Roisin Murphy, Bad Religion, MIA, Notkea Rotta, Marvin Gaye, 7 L & Esoteric, Feist, Disco Ensemble, Charlotte Gainsbourg, The Game, Regina, The Go! Team, Edan, Hadouken!, Asa, Clipse, Joy Division, The Haunted, CSS, Accu, David Holmes, Eagles of Death Metal, Outkast, Datarock, etc. etc. etc.
Favorite Books Paul Auster: Moon Palace, Leviathan, The Music of Chance, etc., Haruki Murakami: Dance Dance Dance, Sputnik Sweetheart, etc., John O'Farrell: Things Can Only Get Better, etc., Don DeLillo: The Names, Underworld, etc., Bill Bryson: various, including A Short History of Nearly Everything, Nick Hornby: High Fidelity, Fever Pitch, About a Boy, Tom Wolfe: A Man in Full, Neil Gaiman: Good Omens (w/ Pratchett), Neverwhere, American Gods, Kari Hotakainen: Klassikko & Sydänkohtauksia eli kuinka tehtiin Kummisetä, Richard Ford: Independence Day, Hanif Kureishi: Buddha of Suburbia & Black Album, Erlend Loe: L, Kinky Friedman: various novels, Bret Easton Ellis: Glamorama, etc. etc. etc.