Shanna W

About me

Gender Female
Location Midwest
Introduction I am the following: 1.0) Christian...chosen by grace through faith and currently worshiping in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) after spending most of my life in the WELS. 1.1) Wife to one fantastic husband who is a Licensed Mental Health Practitioner (LMHP) and ordained as a LCMS pastor. 1.2) Mother to 5 cool kids ranging in age from 17-13 1.3) US Foster-adoptive parent. 1.4) I am graduating with my Master of Social Work degree in May of 2014. I plan on working in the realm of sexual violence, but my volunteer work will always focus on issues of ethics/reform in adoption and child welfare. I am huge supporter of adoptee rights (i.e. unaltered birth certificates). I am especially interested in the "Missional Adoptive" movement within visible Christianity today. I believe missional adoption comes out of poor theology and ethnocentrism. 1.5) Board member for CASA of Northeast Nebraska. 1.6) National Adoption Day (Northeast Nebraska) committee member. 1.7) Board member for PEAR (Parents for Ethical Adoption Reform). 1.8) Foster Care Review local Board member for the State of Nebraska 1.9) Board member for Reunite-Uganda: